Thursday, 9 February 2017

SXBottleShare - 2 years on....

(Logo reproduced by kind permission of Clayton Chisholm)

Happy birthday to us
Happy birthday to us
Happy birthday dear SXBottleShare
Happy birthday to us!
Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!

Who knew, that 2 years ago when a group of like minded misfits (sorry beer geeks) got together once a month to share some beers that we'd still be going strong? Not only that, growing and evolving. Thanks to everyone involved over the two years, it has been great fun and I have enjoyed many a good time in The Ale House, Chelmsford and many a great beer (as well as some right duds too) has been consumed. I have no doubt that The SXBottleShare has a few miles left in the tank, so, in case you are interested in popping along one evening, here's what we drank on Tuesday 7th Feb......
The comments are derived from those I wrote on the evening, and the scores are my Untappd rating.

(Not sure who took this one, but, I think it belongs to the collective....)

BBC 1 by Brentwood Brewing Company Sweet on the nose, toffee on the palate. But thin/fizzy/sweet for me. However, would like to try on cask 2.75/5.

Cream Ale by Rayner Juice Brewery Bready on the nose, lager mouthfeel, easy drinking, would benefit from being served colder 3/5.

American IPA by Rayner Juice Brewery Lemon sherbet, dry finish, drinkable. Homebrew nailed! 3.75/5.

Touro Tripel Blonde by AND UNION Newbie beer. Fruity, like a boiled sweet, deliciously smooth and mellow, no rough edges 4/5. (Welcome to the group Simon, high standard set with that beer)

This is where we depart from the normal routine, due to it being the anniversary we limit ourselves to choosing beers from the fridge in the Ale House. This provides us with a fun challenge on the night, but, also shows our thanks & gratitude to the guys without who's help this would not be possible.
Names have been placed in a glass, so, let's see who chose what.....

Sippin' Into Darkness by Lervig at Wow, what a start from Dan. Dark chocolate with a very slight alcoholic afterburn. Could have happily drunk the bottle 4.25/5.

Squashed Grape by The Wild Beer Co Julia's choice. Perfect counter point to the Lervig. Refreshing, dry, bit winey, slightly tart 3.5/5.

Primal Cut by Siren Craft Brew My choice. Distinct beer 2,900 on Untappd. Coffee, sweet, slight hint of the smoke and fruit. Drinkable. Very. 3.75/5

Extrovert IPA by Left Hand Brewing Company Clayton chose this one, and a very drinkable number it was too. Dry, piney, with a lovely aroma 3.75/5.

Rye Smile by Weird Beard Brew Co. Andrew's offering - a little underwhelming for the style/abv. Needed a bit more of everything. Nice, not stunning 3/5.

Sverd i Fjell by Lervig Reuben, who runs a local off licence bought these....delicious choice. Savoury nose, fresh taste/mouthfeel and smashable 4/5.

Orval by Brasserie d'Orval A classic chosen by Tom. Sweet, sour on the nose, very fizzy (champagne like), ever so slightly Belgiany 4/5.

Fresh Prince of Norway by Brighton Bier So, Matt went to the bar and returned with these easy drinking sweet chewy beauties 3.75/5.

Export Stout by Boundary Brewing Choices running low for Steve, but, he did alright with this one. Dark, rich and roasty, with a dry finish 3.5/5.

Special Edition - Hibernate Ardbeg BA Imperial Stout by Cloudwater Brew Co. Last one up - James, and he goes big. Sweet, smooth, luxurious but no hint of the peaty whisky 4/5.

And, that was that. Sorry, that's a complete lie, we had more beers, this tends to happen every month, definitely not an anniversary thing! So, all in all, a fabulous evening. We had podcasters, bloggers, brewers (commercial and the homely version), enthusiasts, newbies, and Tom! So, that only leaves me with one thing to say "cheers guys".

(This belongs to one of us.......)